How to list an NFT for sale.

  1. Log In or Sign Up: If you have an account, log in. If not, sign up for an account on the Hex Toys Marketplace.

  2. Access Your Account: After logging in, you'll usually see your account page. This is where you manage your activities.

  3. Create a Listing: Look for an option like "Sell" or "List Your NFT." Click on it to start the listing process.

  4. Upload Your NFT: You'll likely be prompted to upload the digital file of your NFT. This could be an image, artwork, video, or any unique digital item you want to sell.

  5. Add Details: Give your NFT a name, write a description that tells buyers what it's about, and maybe mention any special features.

  6. Set a Price: Decide how much you want to sell your NFT for. This could be in a cryptocurrency like Ethereum or a traditional currency like USD.

  7. Choose Currency: If the marketplace supports multiple currencies, choose the one you want buyers to use.

  8. Preview Listing: Review how your listing will look to others. Make sure the information is accurate and complete.

  9. Publish Listing: If everything looks good, hit the "Publish" or "List" button. This makes your NFT listing live on the marketplace.

  10. Wait for Buyers: Now your NFT is out there for potential buyers to see. People can browse and consider purchasing it.

  11. Transaction: If a buyer likes your NFT, they'll follow the process to buy it. The marketplace usually helps manage the transaction securely.

  12. Transfer NFT: After a successful sale, you might need to transfer the NFT to the buyer's wallet address. The marketplace should guide you through this step.

Last updated