How to view your NFT's on the Hex Toys Marketplace.

  1. Login or Sign Up: First, you need to either log in to your existing account on the Hex Toys Marketplace or create a new account if you don't have one.

  2. Access Your Account: Once you're logged in, you'll likely see a dashboard or profile page. This is where you can manage your activities on the marketplace.

  3. Upload or Link NFT: If you want to showcase your NFT on the marketplace, there should be an option to either upload the NFT file or provide a link to your NFT if it's stored on a blockchain platform like Ethereum.

  4. Provide Details: You'll likely need to give your NFT a name and provide some details about it, such as a description or any special features it has. This helps potential buyers understand what they're looking at.

  5. Set a Price: If you're looking to sell your NFT, you'll need to set a price for it. This could be in the form of the cryptocurrency supported by the marketplace (like Ethereum) or a traditional currency (like USD).

  6. Preview: After you've provided the necessary information, you should have a chance to preview how your NFT listing will look to others on the marketplace. This allows you to make sure everything looks good before making it public.

  7. Publish: Once you're satisfied with the preview, you can publish your NFT listing. This will make your NFT visible to other users on the Hex Toys Marketplace.

  8. View Your NFT: To see how your NFT looks to others, you can search for it on the marketplace or go to your profile page where it should be listed. You'll be able to see the image or content of your NFT, along with the details you provided.

Last updated